Dissertation Index

Author: Rivest, Johanne

Title: Le Concert for Piano and Orchestra de John Cage ou les limites de l'indetermination ("John Cage's Concert for Piano and Orchestra: the limits of indeterminacy")

Institution: Universite de Montreal

Begun: September 1989

Completed: September 1996


John Cage's Concert for Piano and Orchestra, as an open form, confronts us with the problem of the notion of work of art and its identity. The graphic notation defines an indeterminacy of parameters and allows for a certain liberty in interpretation of the material in time that makes possible a variety of realizations. In order to better judge the openness of the Concert for Piano and Orchestra, one must attempt an investigation into the composer's intention which is apparent in his compositional procedures as well as his unique notation characteristics.

Many other works, composed before and after Concert for Piano and Orchestra, are analitically described in the first chapter. The second chapter gives a synthesis of the analysis of the notational constructions in Concert for Piano and Orchestra, which is fully given in the appendix. The third chapter is entirely devoted to the notion of work of art as shown in some of the musicological literature. This survey sheds new light on the basis of which Cage's thinking and activity can be appraised, especially his specific way to conceive of indeterminacy in music composition. (French Dissertation)

Keywords: 20th-century, American music, John Cage, graphic notation, analysis, aesthetics, indeterminacy


1) Problematique generale de l'activite compositionnelle de John Cage;
2) Le Concert for Piano and Orchestra, synthese de l'analyse;
3)Parcours musicologique autour de la notion d'oeuvre; Annexe) Analyse du Concert for Piano and Orchestra


3564 de Bordeaux, Montreal
(Quebec) Canada, H2K 3Z3.
Voice: 514-523-4327
E-mail: rivestjo@ERE.UMontreal.CA

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