Figure 2. Shot list for Frankenstein, scene 8 (Watchtower)

(Roman numerals indicate the main scene divisions; letters are smaller segments; 
Arabic numerals (in sequence throughout) list shots. All timings are approximate.
Key to abbreviations:
   ECU  = extreme closeup
   CU   = closeup
   MS   = medium shot
   LS   = long shot
   ELS  = extreme long shot

      [0.] fade to black; 4"; storm noise in 1" before end
I. Scene; preparations for experiment
a. Establishing shots
      at 0:00; 18" long
      1. ELS of watchtower at night; rain (4")
      2. LS of Fritz at top of tower (4")
      3. (E)LS of inside of lab, Henry working in lower part of frame (10")
b. Henry and Fritz—dialogue at 0:18; 24" long
      4. MS Henry (6")
      5. LS looking up toward ceiling; Fritz (1")
      6. reverse (looking down) (6")
      7. LS lab (as in 3) (11")
c. Fritz comes down rope; Henry walks about; 
      at 0:42; 48" long
      dialogue at 1:05, out at 1:30.
      8. same, closer to Fritz; tilt down with him; Henry moves about below. (32")
      9. MS Henry  (16")
         "sizzle" of electrical equipment at 1:20 (brief)
d. They look at the body. 
      at 1:30; 60" long
      storm noise in again
      10. Two-shot, Henry and Fritz; pan to left with them as they walk to the 
          carriage that holds Monster. (12")
      11. MS Henry at the carriage; pan to the left (10"); 
          Henry: "final touch" [brain] at end of this shot
      12. CU bandaged head of the Monster (5")
      13. Two-shot, Henry and Fritz, at the head of the carriage (22"); Henry: "one final test" 
      14. CU Fritz (2")
      15.,16.,17. Three closeups of electrical equipment (9")
          storm noise and sizzles "suddenly" in with this, out with knocks
II. Visitors
a. Knocks at the outside door; 
      at 2:30; 52" long
   Henry and Fritz discuss what to do.
      18. LS Henry at carriage; camera moves a little (20")
      19. Henry & Fritz on stairs leading up; then camera pans left following them as they walk 
          across the lab, to and through a door 
(camera passes around the wall), then camera pans right following Henry back into lab. (32")
knocks (storm noise out); storm noise in about 3:02
b. Fritz goes down stairs at 3:22; 33" long
    knocks continue
      20. ELS Fritz coming down the stairs toward the entry (10")
      21. cut closer to Fritz (LS) (4")
      22. CU Fritz & Dr. at the doorway grille (6")
          Fritz: "Go away"
      23. as in 21, then pan right (13") knocks/storm noise
c. outside; calls upward to Henry at window at 4:00
      at 3:55; 22" long wind noise
      24. LS outside doorway (Dr., Elizabeth, Victor); camera tilts up to tower window (18")
      25. back to position at beginning of shot 24 (4")
d. The visitors enter; conversation in entry hall at 4:17; 
   73" long
      26. Henry & Fritz come down the stairs (5")
      27. outside (3")
      28. Henry & Fritz at the door; camera moves back a little; 
          visitors enter (24") more storm noise
      29. CU Elizabeth and Henry talk  (9") storm noise out
      30. CU Elizabeth (7")
      31. Two-shot (MS) of Elizabeth and Henry; Victor cuts in;  (3")
      32. CU Victor; you’re crazy" (1")
          storm noise in again
      33. CU Henry; "come on out" (13")
      34. all going upstairs (8")
e. The visitors enter the lab
      at 5:30; 69" long
      35. Hall outside the lab; Henry: "You’re quite sure you want to come in?"  (6")
      36.-40. series of CUs (Henry, Dr., Victor, Elizabeth, Henry) (8")
      41. as in 35 (hall outside the lab) (4")
      42. They all go into the lab (9")
      43. Henry locks the door (11")
      44. three-shot (MS) Victor, Elizabeth, Henry; Henry: "Sit down" to Victor (13")
      45. CU Henry; "You, too, Elizabeth, please" (5")
      46. as in 44; Fritz: "Don’t touch that!" (10")
          storm noise suddenly in, like a stinger
      47. LS lab, Henry & Fritz run to carriage (3")
f. Henry talks to Dr. ; storm noise out
      at 6:39; 120" long
      48. Dr. & Henry from above (10")
      49. LS from above, pan with them to the left (14")
      50. MS Henry & Dr.  (26")
      51. CU Dr. (3")
      52. as in 48. (19")
      53. CU Dr. (4")
      54. CU Henry (19")
      55. LS lab from behind carriage (20")
      56. MS Henry at carriage (5")
III. The Monster is "born"
a. Flash of light at 8:49, then loud crash of thunder, 
      at 8:39; 44" long
      then electronic sizzles as Fritz and Henry go to work. 
      Very little dialogue through this
      57. as in 55 (LS of lab from behind carriage) (8")
      58. carriage (3")
      59. Visitors in their seats (2")
      60. as in 58 (14")
      61. Henry & Fritz at carriage (roll away blankets) (11")
      62. as in 59 (Visitors sitting) (2")
      63. as in 58, 60 (carriage) (4")
b. Monster goes up in carriage; 
      at 9:23; 70" long
      64. LS from above; carriage goes up, camera following (22")
      65. MS Henry (3")
      66. CU Fr (1")
      67. LS lab, as at the end of shot 64 (3")
      68. CU Victor & Elizabeth (2")
      69. CU Dr. (2")
      70. Carriage from a different angle (5")
      71. as in 65 (MS Henry) (2")
      72. as in 68 (CU Victor & Elizabeth) (2")
      73. MS Henry (2")
      74. carriage (as in 70) (2")
      75. CU Fritz (2")
      76.-77. Electrical equipment (3")
      78. MS Henry (2")
      79. Carriage followed down from ceiling (17")
c. The Monster’s hand moves; Henry goes wild
      at 10:33; 30" long
      80. CU Monster’s hand (3")
      81. MS Henry, with hand in foreground (7")
      82. as in 80 (3")
      83. MS Henry at carriage, others enter frame (18")
d. End of scene
      at c. 11:05
      [84.] Storm noise and scene fades out (sound fades in black, not before); 
            from beginning of fade out to point of fade in to next scene is 7".