MTO Announcements

MTO 4.5 1998

Announcement Menu

  1. Symposium On Music And Computers: Ionian University
  2. Multimedia at B�renreiter
  3. 32nd Royal Musical Association Research Students' Conference
  4. The Schoenberg String Quartets and Trio: Concert and Symposium
  5. Asian Music in America: A Confluence of Two Worlds
  6. SCI National Student Conference: "Winter Thaw" 1999
  7. Scholarly Articles Research Alerting
  8. Music Theory Spectrum Volume 20, Number 1
  9. New England Conference of Music Theorists: Call for Papers

Symposium On Music And Computers: Ionian University

Symposium On Music And Computers

Ionian University
Corfu, Greece

23-25 October 1998


The 1st Symposium on Music and Computers will be held at the island of Corfu in Greece. The symposium is organised by the Music Department of the Ionian University and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology.

Its main objective is to foster investigation of the impact of technology on musical thought and musical creativity. Computation and technology extend the boundaries of music creation and give rise to a multitude of new exciting possibilities; however, the interaction of such new methods with theoretical and aesthetic aspects of musical understanding seems to receive little attention. The aim of this symposium is to stimulate the exchange of ideas on the merits and also difficulties of bringing together musical creativity and computer-based technology.

Special attention will be given to the presentation of current directions in computer music research (theory and applications) to students, young composers and musicians. Additionally, special events dedicated to Greek pioneers of computer music will be hosted.

Researchers from any relevant discipline are invited to submit papers relating to the areas of interest presented below; the presentations of papers will be followed by extended discussions. Composers are invited to submit electroacoustic and/or interactive compositions.

Any combination of topics from BOTH of the two sections below:

Section 1

Section 2



Extended abstracts not less than 1000 words (or full papers) should be sent by post (3 copies) or by e-mail to the address below; all paper submissions should be in English.

1 September 1998: Sumbissions of extended abstracts and compositions
10 September 1998: Notification of acceptance
1 October 1998: Submission of final paper.

Participation to the symposium is free (no registration fee is required).

Send submissions of papers to:

Send submissions of music to:

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Multimedia at B�renreiter

I'm working at B�renreiter-Verlag and they have asked me to look in to possible multimedia products. I have a number of ideas, but I thought it would be interesting to see what the folks on the MTO-List thought. Is there anything that you see a crying need for? Anything where you've been thinking, "Why doesn't somebody offer this?" Textbooks? Reference works? Analyses / analytical tools?

B�renreiter is trying to decide if they are going to branch into interactive/multimedia publication and if so, to what degree and in which direction. Now is your chance to speak up for what you want.

Erick Emde

Heinrich-Schutz-Allee 35-37
D-34131 Kassel
Tel. (0561) 3105-137
Fax (0561) 3105-220

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32nd Royal Musical Association Research Students' Conference

Department of Music, University of York
14-17 December 1998


The Department of Music at the University of York is pleased to announce that it will be hosting the 32nd RMA Research Students'92 Conference from 3.00 p.m. Monday 14 December to 1.00 p.m. Thursday 17 December 1998. Proposals (limited to one per person) on any aspect of music are invited for individual papers, lecture-recitals, or roundtables. Short compositions and tape pieces are also invited for workshop and possible concert performance.

Papers should be around 20 minutes in duration (leaving ten minutes for questions and discussion); lecture-recitals may be around 40 minutes in duration. (As a guideline when preparing your paper, you should allow no more than 110 words per minute.) Proposals for roundtables should be discussed separately with the organisers (E-Mail: Please submit an abstract of not more than 150 words on a single sheet with your name, affiliation and the title of the paper. If possible, please also submit the abstract on disk.

Speakers are asked to supply their own copies of handouts (50 should suffice) and please mention on the booking form any equipment you may require.

Short pieces for clarinet (A/B flat), cello and piano are invited, a selection of which will be performed by Capricorn at a workshop on the Wednesday afternoon and at Capricorn' concert in the evening (16 December). The pieces should be between 5 and 7 minutes long and three scores should be submitted (containing the title of the piece, your name and affiliation).

It will be the responsibility of composers of pieces selected to provide parts (with correct clarinet transpositions!)

The York Mediamix Diffusion system will be used for concerts of electro-acoustic music. This is a high quality multi-channel loudspeaker array that can be configured for standard mixer-controlled diffusion and for a variety of surround sound formats.

Submissions of electro-acoustic compositions for tape are invited for concert performance and/or performance workshop on Tuesday 15 December. Compositions should be no longer than 15 minutes, and all submissions should include a programme note. Works can be submitted on DAT, ADAT or CD only. If you have any special technical requirements you should contact Dr Tony Myatt, Department of Music, University of York YO10 5DD (E-Mail:

DEADLINE for all submissions is Friday 23 October 1998.

Application Form



University affiliation


Address for correspondence





Telephone No.   _____________________________

E-mail:         _____________________________

Principal research area _________________________________________________

   I wish to read a paper entitled



and enclose an abstract of no more than 150 words (hard copy and on
disk) and will require the following equipment (e.g. audio system,
slide/overhead projector, etc.)


I wish to have an electro-acoustic composition played at the
concert and/or workshop on Tuesday 15 December and enclose the work on

I wish to have a composition for clarinet, cello and piano
performed at the concert and/or workshop on Wednesday 16 December and
enclose 3 copies.


____ I wish to attend the full conference (including concert)


____ I wish to attend part of the conference (please circle):
    (the day conference fee covers administration costs, and tea
    and coffee)

Monday 14 Dec.
Day Conference Fee ....................................  34.00
Dinner ................................................  36.50
Bed & Breakfast .......................................  317.00

Tuesday 15 Dec.
Day Conference Fee ....................................  37.00
Lunch .................................................  35.00
Dinner ................................................  36.50
Bed & Breakfast .......................................  317.00

Wednesday 16 Dec.
Day Conference Fee ....................................  37.00
Lunch .................................................  35.00
Dinner ................................................  36.50
Capricorn Concert .....................................  37.50
Bed & Breakfast .......................................  317.00

Thursday 17 Dec.
Day Conference Fee ....................................  34.00
Lunch .................................................  35.00

TOTAL: ..........................       ______

____ I enclose a payment of ________________ (cheques payable to The
University of York)

____ I would like to be considered for a RMA bursary to assist with the
expense of attending the conference and enclose a letter outlining my
financial circumstances.

Special dietary requirements:


SIGNED:     ____________________________________________________

Please send this form, with full payment or a non-refundable deposit of
315, to Dr Jo Wainwright, Department of Music, University of York YO10
5DD, UK, to arrive by Friday 23 October 1998.

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The Schoenberg String Quartets and Trio: Concert and Symposium

The Schoenberg String Quartets and Trio
Concerts and Symposium
February 26 - February 27, 1999

Milton Babbitt, Talia P. Berio, Martin Boykan
Reinhold Brinkmann, Stanley Cavell, Thomas Forrest Kelly
Richard Kurth, Robert Levin, Lewis Lockwood, Karen Painter,
Stephen Peles, Judith Ryan, Edward Said, Christoph Wolff

Friday evening: The Mendelssohn String Quartet, with guest Susan Narucki
Saturday evening: The Juilliard String Quartet

The Symposium begins on Friday, February 26 at 2:00 PM in John Knowles Paine Concert Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

For information please contact Ann Steuernagel, Program Coordinator, Harvard University Department of Music, 617-495-9859 -- email:

Concerts and Symposium are dedicated to David Lewin

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Asian Music in America: A Confluence of Two Worlds

EVENT: Asian Music in America: A Confluence of Two Worlds
HOST: Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, USA
DATE: April 10-11, 1999
Music of Asia, from both American and Asian composers and performers, has gradually gained greater attention in the United States, especially during the last 30 years. A number of Asian composers and performers have immigrated to the US, often after studying here. The music of these artists reflects a new confluence of multiple cultures - a powerful cross-fertilization of aesthetics and musical characteristics from both East and West. The music is reflective of a variety of aspects of contemporary Asian and American societies, while at the same time deeply rooted in traditional cultures that have evolved over many years.

Hamilton College will host a two-day symposium of performances, lecture-recitals, panel discussions, and paper presentations on topics that concern Asian music in America from the widest possible range of disciplines and expertise. Three guest composers of international stature will be present at the symposium - P.Q. Phan (born in Vietnam and living in the US since 1980), Bun-Ching Lam (born in Hong Kong and living in the US since 1978), and Toshimitsu Tanaka (distinguished composer from Japan whose career spans almost 50 years).

Performances during the symposium will included a broad range of works for different genres (solo instrument, chamber music, orchestra) by Phan, Lam, and Tanaka, as well as other Asian composers. They will include the premiere of a new work for orchestra by Phan. The performers for these concerts will include members of the Syracuse Society for New Music, and faculty and students of the Hamilton College Department of Music. Two winners of an international performers competition of solo works by Phan, Lam or Tanaka will also be selected to perform.

This symposium ( is the fourth at Hamilton College since 1992 to address Asian Music. Visit the website of the other three to view programs, abstracts, papers, and lecture transcriptions - (Music of Japan Today: Tradition and Innovation I (1992), II (1994), and III (1997).


$30 before March 1, 1999
$40 after March 1, 1999
check payable to "Trustees of Hamilton College"

see website:

E. Michael Richards
Dept. of Music
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
716-425-8525 (fax)

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SCI National Student Conference: "Winter Thaw" 1999

SCI National Student Conference, "Winter Thaw" 1999

Austin, Texas
February 26 - 28, 1999 (new dates!)
University of Texas Student Chapter, host

DEADLINE: November 1, 1998 (postmark)

The Society of Composers Student Chapter at The University of Texas at Austin is hosting the first SCI Student Conference. All student composers are encouraged to submit works. There is no age limit; however, students are expected to be in high school or beyond, or studying composition privately. Works will be selected by a panel of student composers and performers according to quality and availability of performers. All composers programmed are expected to attend the conference and to be SCI members before the conference begins. There will be a $20 registration fee.

Proposals for papers, panels, demonstrations, and workshops are welcome; please submit an abstract, biography, and submission form.

Send no more than two compositions. Large ensembles will not be available; limit instrumentation to small chamber ensemble, soloist, electronic tape, video, or any combination thereof.

Submissions should include:

Send your submission materials to:

Questions should be directed to Tom Lopez at the address above or via email:

submission form


SCI affiliation

composition title   duration
composition instrumentation
composer will provide performer(s)?          Yes       No

composition title   duration
composition instrumentation
composer will provide performer(s)?          Yes       No

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Scholarly Articles Research Alerting

Carfax Publishing Limited currently publishes over 200 academic peer-reviewed journals across a variety of disciplines. In response to the changing needs of the academic community, we are using the Internet actively to disseminate information about journals in advance of publication.

SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting, is a special new e-mail service designed to deliver tables of contents, for any available journal, to anyone who has requested the information. This service is completely free of charge.

All you need to do is register, following the guidelines under "How to Register" and you will be sent contents pages of the journal(s) of your choice from that point onwards, in advance of the printed edition. You can request contents pages either for any number of individual titles, or for one or more of our "subject clusters", and you may unsubscribe at any time. For each of your choices, you will receive the relevant bibliographic information: journal title, volume/issue number and the ISSN. You will also receive full contents details, names of authors and the appropriate page numbers from the printed version.

This will give you advance notice of what is being published, making it easier for you to retrieve the exact information you require from the hard copy once it arrives in your library.

To register for this complimentary service, please either:

1) access the Carfax Home Page (, enter SARA and follow the on-screen instructions or

2) send an e-mail to with the word "info" in the body of the message or

3) complete the Registration Form below and return it to the address shown. Remember to include your e-mail address and your full departmental postal address where available.

You can request contents pages for all of our journals, for those in a subject cluster, or for just one title. All free of charge!


Please send a completed copy of this form using block capitals to the address below.



Carfax Publishing Limited
PO Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire
OX14 3UE

Tel: +44 (0)1235 401000 Fax +44 (0)1235 401550

Sharron Lawrence
Carfax Publishing Ltd

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Music Theory Spectrum Volume 20, Number 1


The Journal of the Society for Music Theory

Music Theory Spectrum is the official print journal of the Society for Music Theory. It features articles and book reviews on a range of topics in music theory and analysis, including aesthetics, the history of theory, linear analysis, post-tonal theory, and narratology. Published twice a year, Spectrum maintains the highest standards of acceptance and is recognized as one of the foremost journals in the field.

Articles in Music Theory Spectrum Volume 20, Number 1 (Spring 1998):

$45 Individuals; $57 Institutions; $55 Dual
$20 Students; $30 Emeritus/Student dual.
Outside US add $15

University of California Press Journals Division
2120 Berkeley Way #5812
Berkeley, CA 94720-5812
Tel. (510) 643-7154
Fax (510) 642-9917

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New England Conference of Theorists: Call for Papers

Gerald Zaritzky (New England Conservatory), President (
Hali Fieldman (U. Mass.-Amherst), Secretary (
David Cohen (Harvard University), Treasurer (


MARCH 27-28, 1999 (Sat.-Sun.)

Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Program Committee:

Proposals on all topics are invited from interested theorists, both members and non-members of the Conference, whether or not they have presented papers at NECMT in the past. Those who wish to propose papers should send four copies of a three-to-five-page proposal and an abstract suitable for publication. (The abstract should be provided also in an electronic format-either on disk or by email.) Proposals are read blind; they should contain no identification of the author. With your proposal and abstract copies, please include a cover letter giving your name, address, phone, email, affiliation, the title of your proposal, and any special equipment or arrangements required.

Proposals must be received by mid-January, so the Program Committee can respond by the start of February. Usually, three sessions of four papers each are scheduled, two sessions on Saturday and one on Sunday, allowing approximately 30 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion of each paper. In some years a keynote speaker is invited (in place of two papers). Proposals for topics of sessions or for keynote speakers may be sent, signed, directly to the Program Chair.

For exact proposal deadline, USmail and email addresses, and other information about NECMT, including membership and Annual Meeting arrangements, please contact one of the officers, above, or see the NECMT website, at

or via the SMT Regional Societies webpage.

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[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright � 1998, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in MTO are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online
It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS],
with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.

Prepared by
Lee A. Rothfarb