Volume 8, Number 2, August 2002
Copyright © 2002 Society for Music Theory

Employment Listings


University of Surrey


School of Arts

Department of Music and Sound Recording

Lecturer in Music

Salary in the range £20,470-£32,537

Applications are invited for the post of Lecturer within the Department of Music and Sound Recording, which is available from 1 January 2003 for three years in the first instance. The successful applicant will be an active researcher with a clear research strategy including a strong record of publications. He/she will be expected to contribute to teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and to share in the supervision of dissertations. The precise nature of teaching responsibilities will depend upon the areas of expertise of the successful candidate. The post will carry some administrative responsibility.

The applicant will join a vigorous Department with a commitment to high quality research and a strong reputation for its performance activities. It carries an 'excellent' rating for its teaching, resources and student environment, awarded by the Higher Education Funding Council for England, and was recently ranked top of all university music departments for teaching in the Guardian ranking exercise.

Our principal research focus is in late 19th-century and 20th-century musicology. While active researchers in any field will be considered, it will be an advantage if applicants can contribute further to the existing research base. Experience of teaching within one or more of the following fields is also sought: film music; jazz; recent popular music; world music.

For informal enquiries please contact Professor Allan Moore, Head of the Department of Music (01483 689740 or email:

For an application pack please contact Diana Coulter, School of Arts, University of Surrey, Guildford, GU2 7XH (01483 689744 or email: quoting the appropriate reference number. Closing date for applications is Friday 16 August 2002. It is hoped to hold interviews during the week beginning 16 September 2002.

The University is committed to an Equal Opportunities Policy. Visit our web site at

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RILM (Associate Editor)

Position: Part-time Associate Editor (3-5 positions) Non-Tax Levy

International Repertory of Music Literature (RILM) publishes RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, a comprehensive abstracted bibliography on music and related disciplines. The publication of RILM Abstracts is made possible by the efforts of some 60 national committees located in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. The position involves working on material submitted by these committees, which are typically composed of musicologists and librarians based at major university or national libraries and research institutes. RILM Abstracts is published annually as a printed book, online, and on CD-ROM. The electronic versions are updated monthly. The successful candidate will be required to learn and apply RILM's detailed editing and indexing rules, and research information to verify its accuracy.

Edit, index, and sometimes write abstracts of scholarly literature on music, received from diverse sources and of varied quality and intelligibility, bringing them to a high standard of literacy and scholarship.

BA degree plus 3 years relevant experience or graduate work required. Experience in editing, indexing, music research, or music librarianship is required. Superior written English skills and careful orientation to detail required. The ability to work independently, but also with many diverse personalities in close proximity, is necessary. Fluency in German, knowledge of Renaissance and Baroque music history, tonal theory, or organology are preferred, but other specializations will be considered; knowledge of Spanish, Italian, or Russian is also a plus, along with general cultural exposure. All work must take place in the office.

At least 20 hours per week (full-time work is possible). The office is open from approximately 8:00 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. Morning hours are strongly encouraged, but there is flexibility from day-to- day and from week-to-week.

Salary: $15-16 per hour, depending on education and experience.

Send letter of application, resume and the names and addresses of three professional references by to:

CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
212. 817-1569 (fax)

Deadline for application is August 30.


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RILM (Editor)

Position: Part-time Editor (1-2 positions) Non-Tax Levy

International Repertory of Music Literature (RILM) publishes RILM Abstracts of Music Literature, a comprehensive abstracted bibliography on music and related disciplines. The publication of RILM Abstracts is made possible by the efforts of some 60 national committees located in Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America. The position involves working on material submitted by these committees, which are typically composed of musicologists and librarians based at major university or national libraries and research institutes. RILM Abstracts is published annually as a printed book, online, and on CD-ROM. The electronic versions are updated monthly. The successful candidate will be required to learn and apply RILM's detailed editing and indexing rules, and research information to verify its accuracy.

To edit and index abstracts of scholarly literature on music received from diverse sources and of varied quality and intelligibility, bring them to a high standard of literacy and scholarship. Revise and proofread the work of other editors.

BA degree plus 3 years relevant experience or graduate degree required. Experience in editing, indexing, music research, or music librarianship is required. Superior written English skills and careful orientation to detail required. The ability to work independently, but also with many diverse personalities in close proximity, is necessary. Fluency in German, knowledge of Renaissance and Baroque music history, tonal theory, or organology are preferred, but other specializations will be considered; knowledge of Spanish, Italian, or Russian is also a plus, along with general cultural exposure. All work must take place in the office.

At least 20 hours per week (full-time work is possible). The office is open from approximately 8:00 a.m. until 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday. Morning hours are strongly encouraged, but there is flexibility from day-to-day and from week-to-week.

Salary: $16.50 - $17.50 per hour (plus benefits), depending on education and experience.

Send letter of application, resume and the names and addresses of three professional references to:

CUNY Graduate Center
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016
212.817.1569 (Fax)

Deadline for applications is August 30.


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[1] Music Theory Online (MTO) as a whole is Copyright © 2002, all rights reserved, by the Society for Music Theory, which is the owner of the journal. Copyrights for individual items published in MTO are held by their authors. Items appearing in MTO may be saved and stored in electronic or paper form, and may be shared among individuals for purposes of scholarly research or discussion, but may not be republished in any form, electronic or print, without prior, written permission from the author(s), and advance notification of the editors of MTO.

[2] Any redistributed form of items published in MTO must include the following information in a form appropriate to the medium in which the items are to appear:

This item appeared in Music Theory Online in [VOLUME #, ISSUE #] on [DAY/MONTH/YEAR]. It was authored by [FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS], with whose written permission it is reprinted here.

[3] Libraries may archive issues of MTO in electronic or paper form for public access so long as each issue is stored in its entirety, and no access fee is charged. Exceptions to these requirements must be approved in writing by the editors of MTO, who will act in accordance with the decisions of the Society for Music Theory.

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prepared by
Stanley V. Kleppinger, editorial assistant
Updated 18 November 2002 by Eric Isaacson, co-editor