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Author |
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Formats |
Zavlunov, Daniil | Essay | The “tselostnyĭ analiz” (holistic analysis) of Zuckerman and Mazel | 20.3, 2014 | HTML PDF | Zayaruznaya, Anna | Article | Intelligibility Redux: Motets and the Modern Medieval Sound | 23.2, 2017 | HTML PDF | Zbikowski, Lawrence | Article | Theories of Categorization and Theories of Music | 1.4, 1995 | HTML PDF ASCII | Zbikowski, Lawrence | Commentary | Response to Robison, “Category Structures and Fuzzy Sets” (MTO 1.5) | 1.5, 1995 | HTML PDF ASCII | Zbikowski, Lawrence | Article | Metaphor and Music Theory: Reflections from Cognitive Science | 4.1, 1998 | HTML/Frames HTML PDF ASCII | Zbikowski, Lawrence M. | Essay | Performing Agency: A Response | 24.3, 2018 | HTML PDF | Zeller, Matthew | Article | Klangfarbenmelodie in 1911: Timbre’s Functional Roles in Webern’s Opp. 9 and 10 | 28.1, 2022 | HTML PDF | Zeller, Matthew | Article | Klangfarbenmelodie, Chromophony, and Timbral Function in Arnold Schoenberg’s “Farben” | 29.3, 2023 | HTML PDF | Zhang, Xieyi (Abby) | Article | Between Half and Perfect Cadences: The Modulating Antecedent in Dvořák’s Parallel Periods | 29.1, 2023 | HTML PDF | |
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