Figure 27. Hynes’s Stack
a. Main Menu The main menu—History of the Piano, Musical Notation, Notable Compositions, Composers, Great Pianists, Games, Quizzes, and Bibliography—is set over a scanned painting of young Mozart at the keyboard. |
b. History Submenu History of the Piano submenu includes the following selections: In the Beginning ..., Germany, Austria, England, United States, and Steinway & Sons. Each menu is set over a beautiful painting in full color. |
c. Subsection Format |
d. Quiz Submenu |
e. Interval Drill Notated intervals appear in a field on the top of the card. The student identifies the interval by clicking on buttons. Only the buttons representing intervals currently being tested are enabled. The music notation for the various intervals is stored on other cards, and copied to the quiz form by using HyperCard’s Paint Tools under script control. Questions are presented in random order, and the student is given feedback. |