As MTO heads toward the end of its third year, some slight
changes in our addresses are about to take effect.
Tom Heft, Unix System Programmer at Harvard, whose technical
expertise brought SMT Networking on-line, will move to
Brown University on August 1st. He has been working with me
to prepare for the transfer to boethius of all software and
datafiles now on the HUSC and FAS machines at Harvard. The
bulk of the transfer will take place over the next few weeks.
MTO subscribers will receive a notice about address changes.
In brief, they are as follows:
- New listproc address:
for subscribing to MTO and mto-talk, for changing addresses,
passwords, postponing mail, etc.
- New mto-serv address:
for retrieving MTO items and searching the MTO database
with our FileServer
- New anonymous FTP address:
for retrieving MTO items through anonymous FTP. The
directory structure, as outlined in the current (though
soon outdated) MTO Guide will remain nearly the same:
- pub/mto/docs (documentation and information files)
- pub/mto/issues (containing subdirectories for back issues of MTO)
- pub/mto/software (MTO software)
[NOTE: the old directory paths included 'smt' after 'pub'. The new directory paths omit 'smt'.]
- WWW addresses
The URLs for MTO remain the same since our WWW server has always
been on boethius:
- MTO page:
- Boethius page:
- SMT Help Desk:
(see below regarding the new WWW edition of SMT Help Desk)
A revised edition of the MTO Guide will be announced once the
transfer is complete and all administrative software has been
tested. Please bear with us if some glitches remain after testing.
Remember: Do not begin to use the new addresses yet. A notice will be
broadcast once they take effect. In case of problems, contact me or the MTO Manager, Robert Judd:
MTO General Editor:
MTO Manager:
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Recently, Patrick Shove, the SMT Help Desk Manager, prepared a Web
page with links to short documents on various procedures that are
important for MTO subscribers, e.g. how to change an address,
change a password, postpone and restart MTO mail delivery, etc.
The page also has a link for sending email to Shove in case of
problems. Take a look at the new Help Desk page at the URL Send queries and suggestions to Shove at
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MTO 1.3 included a commentary, by William Rothstein, formatted
with HTML. Rothstein provided ASCII text and I added some
basic HTML tags as a way of showing how an MTO essay might
look if formatted with HTML and viewed in a Web browser. MTO 1.4
includes an essay formatted with HTML by the author, David Loberg Code ("Listening for Schubert's 'Doppelg�ngers'"). Those who
have not yet tried out the Web should take this opportunity to
do so. Robert Judd prepared a guide to WWW tools and to the
necessary steps for gaining access to the Web. The document is
named www-tools.txt and is available in the MTO archive, in the
docs subdirectory. (An HTML version is also available.) At the fall
meeting of SMT in New York, MTO Co-editor, Ann McNamee, and mto-talk
Manager, Claire Boge, will give "live" demonstrations of multi-
media essays, integrating text, graphics and audio, as samples of
how future MTO articles may look and sound! Those who
plan to attend the New York meeting should make time to be at
the special session devoted to networking in order to see
those demonstrations, and to get information and advice on
getting Web access.
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4. mto-talk
In comparison to past months, traffic on mto-talk has been sparse since the release of issue
1.3. Hopefully, the two essays in 1.4 will stimulate dialog and reactivate mto-talk, which
is an important component of MTO. One of the significant benefits of electronic publishing,
and one which differentiates it from traditional publishing, is
the speed of distribution, which allows immediate, interactive discussion among readers and
authors. mto-talk was established for just that purpose. Claire Boge, mto-talk Manager, and I encourage subscribers to initiate and participate in discussions about the current and future articles.
All new MTO subscribers automatically become subscribers to mto-talk, and remain so unless
they cancel their subscriptions. Those who have cancelled, but would now like to resubscribe, should
send a message to the Harvard listproc address with the
following text in the body of the message:
subscribe mto-talk YourFristName YourLastName [fill in your names]
After August 1, send the message to the new, boethius listproc address.
We look forward to seeing your contributions to mto-talk!
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Lee A. Rothfarb, General Editor
Music Theory Online
University of California, Santa Barbara