Dissertation Index
Author: Lorenz, Ralph Title: Pedagogical Implications of musica practica in Sixteenth-Century Wittenberg Institution: Indiana University Begun: August 1992 Completed: March 1994 Abstract: Wittenberg of sixteenth-century Germany was an especially interesting and important center for the pedagogy of musica practica (practical skills related to singing and composition). The university setting and influence from educational reformers such as Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon helped to make music an integral part of school programs. The accompanying demand for practical textbooks was filled by theorists such as Heinrich Faber, Nicolaus Listenius, and Hermann Finck. My dissertation is in two parts. Part I examines and systemizes the Wittenberg methods of teaching the development of skills (aural training and counterpoint) from the lower grades through the university level, while Part II applies my findings to suggest exercises and methods for teaching Renaissance music in written and aural music theory within the modern curriculum. Keywords: musica practica, Wittenberg, Martin Luther, Hermann Finck, Heinrich Faber, Nicolaus Listenius, Georg Rhau, skills pedagogy, sixteenth-century counterpoint TOC: 1) Background: The Advent of Skills Pedagogy in the Middle Ages 2) Musica practica in sixteenth-century Wittenberg 3) Sight Singing of Renaissance Vocal Materials 4) Special Training for Performers 5) Counterpoint and Improvised Counterpoint 6) Counterpoint Models 7) Special Applications of the bicinia 8) Suggested Ear Training Exercises Contact: Ralph Lorenz 506 E. 14th Street Bloomington IN 47408 Voice: (812) 331-0542 |