Dissertation Index

Author: Riddick, Frank C.

Title: An Analytical Study of Zemlinsky's Second String Quartet

Institution: University of Colorado, Boulder

Begun: September 1991

Completed: May 1994


Typical of the works of the transitional repertoire, Zemlinsky's Second String Quartet is highly resistant to established modes of analysis. This study demonstrates the shortcomings of these theories (functional tonal symbols, Schenker, etc.) and presents an alternative that explicates the composer's techniques of motivic development.

Keywords: analysis, contextual, intertextual, Mahler, motive, Schenker, Schoenberg, theory, transitional music


1. Harmonic Language
2. Motivic Analysis
3. Dissonant Sonorities
4. Local Continuity
5. Developmental Techniques


Frank C. Riddick
1834 Grove St. #3
Boulder, CO 80302

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