Dissertation Index
Author: Derfler, Brandon Title: Single-Voice Transformations: A Model for Parsimonious Voice Leading Institution: University of Washington Begun: September 2003 Completed: November 2007 Abstract: This study proposes a transformational model for voice leading in which parsimony is privileged above all other factors. Voice-leading displacements are explained as multiple iterations of the basic operation, the single-semitone transformation (SST). The SST is a type of single-voice transformation (SVT) in which only a single voice in a chord is transposed by a semitone. The SVT group Gm is a direct product group G1 X G2 X ... X Gm acting on a set (chord) C of order m where G = Tn, the group of musical transpositions, and C is sorted into voices expressed as an m-tuple Keywords: transformational theory, neo-Riemannian theory, voice leading TOC: Chapter 1: IntroductionChapter 2: Some Transformational Models of Voice-Leading Space Chapter 3: The Single-Voice-Transformation Model Chapter 4: Graphical Representations of Parsimonious Voice-Leading Spaces Chapter 5: The SST Model and Neo-Riemannian Theory Chapter 6: Analyses Appendix A: Summary of [SSTi]-Relations Between Trichordal and Tetrachordal Equivalence-Class Pair-Successions Appendix B: Chart of [SSTi] Subscripts Relating Trichordal and Tetrachordal Equivalence-Class Pair-Successions Contact: Brandon Derfler bderfler@gmail.com 601 N 42nd St. Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 632-1025 |