Dissertation Index
Author: Gonzalez-Lizausaba Oswaldo Title: L'analyse ondulatoire : une approche morphologique de l'analyse musicale Institution: Doctor in Arts & Sciences of art - Université de Paris 1 Begun: October 2005 Completed: March 2010 Abstract: Title: The undulatory analysis: A morphological approach to musical analysis. Abstract: The undulatory analysis method is an analytical tool for the study of music works from a morphological standpoint. The thesis proposes a concept of music based solely on the sound as a fundamental music entity. The music is defined as: an undulatory process produced and perceived in time. The music work being performed, that is to say, become an acoustic signal, is considered in its entirety as a single very complex sound, in which its temporal, frequency and timbral structures changes constantly over time. This signal, the piece of music, is studied and transcribed through the analysis, as an undulatory trajectory, therefore, viewable as a morphological overall object. The origin of this undulatory trajectory is perfectly observable in the sonogram produced by the piece being analyzed. Within the undulatory analysis, the undulation concept, which is an inseparable notion of sound phenomenon, is the paradigm — par excellence — of the undulatory musical thinking. Musical morphology is now in close relationship with the concept of undulation. All the important parameters of the musical work are transcribed into wave structures, then, they are analyzed and subsequently coupled to the models of the proposed piece of music. At this stage, we have an adequate representation of the morphology, the precise form of the piece analyzed. The thesis is articulated in two modules that conform the conceptual structure of the undulatory music analysis method, namely, a theory and an analysis method. The results of applying the undulatory analysis method are presented. Keywords: Music, analysis, morphology, algorithm, undulation, trajectory, segmentation, model. TOC: Remerciements Table de matières Avant-propos Introduction 0. Limites et finalités de la méthode d'analyse ondulatoire 0.1. Objectifs de la thèse 0.2. Limites de la thèse I. Vers une nouvelle définition de la musique 1.1. Introduction : Problématique de la définition de la musique 1.2. Différents types de définitions de la musique II. Théorie musicale ondulatoire Les quatre concepts principaux Les autres concepts III. Analyse musicale ondulatoire 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Analyse ondulatoire du Praeludium II en do mineur de J. S. Bach • Analyse des quelques extraits des oeuvres • 3.3. Deuxième pièce (II) de Six Petites pièces pour piano d'Arnold Schönberg 3.4. Extrait du premier mouvement de la cinquième symphonie de Beethoven 3.5. Analyse de Nr. 3 Elektronische Studien, Studie II de Karlheinz Stockhausen IV. Conclusion générale Crédits éditoriaux Crédits informatiques Index des termes Index des noms Bibliographie des ouvrages citées Bibliographie de référence Communications de l'auteur Résumé - Abstract CD 1: Exemples sonores CD 2: Thèse interactive Contact: Oswaldo González-Lizausaba 33, rue de l'Ermitage 95320 Saint Leu La Forêt France email : oswaldogonzalez@free.fr (+331) 30 40 71 89 |