Dissertation Index

Author: Flinn, John W.

Title: Reconstructive Postmodernism, Quotation, and Musical Analysis: A Methodology with Reference to the Third Movement of Luciano Berio

Institution: University of Cincinnati

Begun: August 2004

Completed: May 2011


The problem of analysis of postmodern works has generated many different analytical techniques, most of which concentrate on either structure or meaning. This project is an attempt to create an analytical technique that will examine both structure and meaning. Thus, it attempts to answer the following questions: How does quoting a piece of music change its meaning? How can an analyst compare the same or similar material in disparate contexts? What are the technical, musical and extra-musical markers of certain tropes or ideas? Finally, what methodologies or tools can be used or created to effectively carry out these analyses? This study will culminate with an analysis of quoted materials in the third movement of Luciano Berio

Keywords: Luciano Berio, postmodernism, Frederic Ferr


John Wesley ("Wes") Flinn
643 North Avenue
Hapeville, GA 30354

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