Dissertation Index
Author: Arthurs, Daniel J. Title: Reconstructing Tonal Principles in the Music of Brad Mehldau Institution: Indiana University, Bloomington Begun: March 2008 Completed: May 2011 Abstract: This study reconstructs tonal principles in selected works of New York jazz composer and pianist Brad Mehldau through a combination of analytical approaches, including Schenkerian analysis, which are informed by his writings and stylistic characteristics. The contrapuntal idiosyncrasies that have come to define Mehldau as a composer and performer suggest the applicability of Schenkerian analytical techniques. Mehldau’s expressed interests in classical norms and a linear approach motivates the analysis of contrapuntal frameworks in terms of consonant—dissonant requirements pursued in this study. The analyses demonstrate the central role of traditional triadic harmony in dissonance resolution, Mehldau’s characteristic means of employing melodically directed motion and, ultimately, the large-scale forms of goal-orientation that correspond to the “beginning—middle—end” schemes fundamental to Schenkerian theory. Primary works analyzed are featured in Mehldau’s Art of the Trio, Volume 3: Songs (1998), including Sehnsucht, Unrequited, and Convalescent, among other works and arrangements. That rich analytical results are available through a Schenkerian perspective draws attention to significant problems in work that seeks to apply traditional tonal analysis to other jazz music. Keywords: Brad Mehldau, Schenkerian analysis, jazz, tonality, improvisation TOC: Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review and Methodology Chapter 3: Sehnsucht and the Suspension Chapter 4: Temporal Plasticity and Solo Voice Leading in Unrequited Chapter 5: Aspects of the Free Fantasy in Convalescent Chapter 6: Conclusions Contact: daniel.j.arthurs@google.com, (940)300-2926 |