Editor's Message
We are pleased to be able to present in this special issue the papers presented as part of the International Plenary Session at the 1999 SMT Meeting in Atlanta. Organized by Richard Cohn, the session featured four speakers and a respondent, based in four different continents, addressing a range of issues and repertoires. We are especially grateful to the authors who agreed to have their papers published here and for the special effort each made to facilitate the inclusion of score, analytic, and a number of digital audio examples. A recent version of the RealPlayer is required to listen to the audio examples. A link is provided in the Table of Contents and in the relevant articles. Please note that, for technical reasons, the audio files are being delivered from a server at Indiana University. The number of simultaneous connections is limited to 25, so if you are unable to play an audio file, please try again later. As always, readers are encouraged to post reactions to these papers--or to any of the several reviews published in this article--on mto-talk, MTO's email discussion list.
I am pleased to welcome Jane Piper Clendinning and Patrick McCreless to the MTO Editorial Board. They join continuing members Henry Klumpenhouwer, Catherine Nolan, and Lawrence Zbikowski. With the new volume we make some minor cosmetic changes to MTO's appearance. We thank William Findlay for colorizing the logo and creating new navigation buttons for the HTML version of the journal. A number of pages have been updated to make the web pages more easily navigable.
Eric J. Isaacson, General Editor
Music Theory Online
School of Music
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
voice: (812) 855-0296 (with voice mail)
fax: (812) 855-4936
03 July 2013
Brent Yorgason