Author |
Title |
Institution |
Completed |
Acevedo, Stefanie
| Harmonic Schemata of Popular Music: An Empirical Investigation of Analytical Patterns and their Mental Representations | Yale University | May 2020 | Adams, George W
| Listening to Conceptual Music: Technology, Culture, Analysis | University of Chicago | May 2019 | Adams, Kyle
| A New Theory of Chromaticism from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Eighteenth Century | CUNY Graduate Center | September 2006 | Adlington, Robert C.
| Temporality in post-tonal music | University of Sussex | September 1996 | Alegant, Brian
| The Seventy-Seven Partitions of the Aggregate: Analytical and Theoretical Implications | Eastman School of Music | October 1992 | Amato, Alexander G.
| Thematic and Formal Narrative in Respighi’s Sinfonia Drammatica | University of North Texas | November 2013 | Amos, Laura Christine
| An Examination of 1920s Parisian Polytonality: Milhaud's Ballet La Creation du monde | The University of Texas at Austin | May 2007 | Andrew Aziz
| In Name Only: The Interaction of Title and Genre in the Sonata Forms of Debussy and Ravel | Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester | April 2013 | Anson-Cartwright, Mark
| The Development Section in Haydn's Late Instrumental Works | City University of New York | August 1998 | Antonella Di Giulio
| Mapping Contemporary Works:
a Semiotic and Linguistic Approach to Music Analysis | University at Buffalo | August 2021 | Antonio Jardim
| Music: vigency of poetical thinking | UFRJ Doctor in Poetics | December 1997 | Argentino, Joe R
| Transformations and Hexatonic Tonnetz Spaces in Late Works of Schoenberg | The University of Western Ontario | February 2010 | Ariyan, Ashot
| Bilgamesh, un ballet-opéra en deux actes
Symbiose d’un genre oublié, une mythologie archaïque et une langue morte | University of Montreal | December 2012 | Arndt, Matthew
| Schenker and Schoenberg on the Tone and the Genius | University of Wisconsin—Madison | August 2008 | Arthurs, Daniel J.
| Reconstructing Tonal Principles in the Music of Brad Mehldau | Indiana University, Bloomington | May 2011 | Atkinson, Sean E
| An Analytical Model for the Study of Multimedia Compositions: A Case Study in Minimalist Music | Florida State University | April 2009 | Attar, Ron
| Analysis of Bela Bartok's Performances to Selected Compositions | Bar-Ilan University, Israel | June 2007 | Attas, Robin E.S.
| Meter as Process in Groove-Based Popular Music | The University of British Columbia | April 2011 | Auerbach, Brent, L
| The Analytical Grundgestalt: A New Model and Methodology Based on the Music of Johannes Brahms | University of Rochester - Eastman School of Music | May 2005 | Auerbach, Jennifer Sadoff
| Drafts, Page Proofs, and Revisions of Heinrich Schenker’s Der freie Satz: the Collection at the Austrian National Library and Schenker’s Generative Process | University of North Texas | May 2009 | Austin, Michael L
| The Phenomenological Impact of Interface on the Analysis of Digital Music and Sonic Art | University of Texas at Dallas | June 2011 | Ayotte, Benjamin McKay
| Incomplete Ursatzformen Transferences in the Vocal Music of Heinrich Schenker | Michigan State University | May 2008 | Babyak, Tekla B
| Nietzsche, Debussy, and the Shadow of Wagner | Cornell University | May 2014 | BaileyShea, Matthew L.
| The Wagnerian Satz: The Rhetoric of the Sentence in Wagner's Post-Lohengrin Operas | Yale University | May 2003 | Baker, David J
| Modeling Melodic Dictation | Louisiana State University | August 2019 | Bakker, Sara
| Playing with Patterns: Isorhythmic Strategies in György Ligeti\'s Late Piano Works | Indiana University | April 2013 | Ballard, Jack D., Jr.
| Part One: The Castle (Ballet for Large Orchestra) and Part Two: Hyperextended Chord Tones: Chromatic Consonance in a Tertian Context | Kent State University | December 2008 | Balter, Tamara
| A Theory of Irony in Music: Types of Irony in the String Quartets of Haydn and Beethoven.
| Indiana University, Bloomington (Music Theory) | November 2009 | Barker, Naomi Joy
| Analytical Issues in the Toccatas of Girolamo Frescobaldi | University of London | July 1995 | Barley, Raymond B., Jr.
| Tonality and Modality in Finnish Folk Music | Union Institute & University | April 2011 | Barna, Alyssa
| Examining Contrast in Popular and Rock Music | Eastman School of Music | June 2019 | Bauer, Amy, M
| Compositional Process and Parody in the Music of Gyorgy Ligeti | Yale University | August 1996 | Baysal, Ozan
| Phrase Rhythm and Time in Beste-i Kadims - A Cyclical Approach | Istanbul Technical University | October 2011 | Beaudoin, Paul E
| Rhetoric as a Heuristic in the First Movement of Beethoven's Third Sonata for Violoncello and Piano, op. 69 | Brandeis University | February 2002 | Behrens, Lisa, S.
| Cyclic Pitch Organization in the Twelve-Tone Works of Aaron Copland | The Graduate Center, CUNY | October 2012 | Belcher, Owen H
| Analytical Studies of Selected Cantatas by J.S. Bach | Eastman School of Music | April 2018 | Bell, Vicki P.
| Shaker Music Theory: The Nineteenth-Century Treatises of Isaac Newton Youngs and Russel Haskell | University of Kentucky | May 1998 | Benoit, John R.
| An Alternative Model of Fundamental Structure in Selected Lieder by Franz Schubert | The University of Texas at Austin | August 1994 | Bernstein, Zachary
| Reconsidering Organicism in Milton Babbitt\'s Music and Thought | CUNY Graduate Center | June 2015 | Berry, David Carson
| Stravinsky's "Skeletons": Reconnoitering the Evolutionary Paths from Variation Sets to Serialism | Yale University | March 2002 | Bhogal, Gurminder
| Maurice Ravel, Metric Dissonance, Art Nouveau, Ornament, French Aesthetics, Symbolism, Arabesque | University of Chicago | August 2004 | Biamonte, Nicole V
| The Modes in Romantic Music | Yale University | March 1998 | Bisciglia, Sebastiano
| On Row-Class Equivalence Classes | Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester | April 2013 | Blom-Smith, Richard N. W.
| A Theory of Accent in Tonal Music with an Assessment of Selected Modern Accentologies | King's College London, University of London | April 1994 | Blustein, Nathan B
| Through Arrangements of Shadows: Experiences of Reprise in Stephen Sondheim’s Leitmotivic Musicals | Indiana University | August 2020 | BOLAND, Marguerite M
| Form and Dialectical Opposition in Elliott Carter\'s Compositional Aesthetic | Australian National University | December 2017 | Boland, Marguerite M
| The All-Trichord Hexachord: Compositional Strategies in Elliott Carter's "Con Leggerezza" and "Gra". | La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia | December 1999 | Bor, Mustafa
| Contour Reduction Algorithms: A Theory of Pitch and Duration Hierarchies for Post-Tonal Music | University of British Columbia | April 2009 | Boss, Jack F.
| An Analogue to Developing Variation in a Late Atonal Song of Arnold Schoenberg | Yale University | May 1991 | Botelho, Mauro
| Rhythm, Meter, and Phrase: Temporal Structures in Johann Sebastian Bach's Concertos | University of Michigan | March 1993 | Bourne, Janet E
| A Theory of Analogy for Musical Sense-Making and Categorization: Understanding Musical Jabberwocky | Northwestern University | May 2015 | Boyd, Clifton
| Keep It Barbershop: Stylistic Preservation and Whiteness in the Barbershop Harmony Society | Yale University | May 2022 | Boyd, James W.
| Mahler and Directional Tonality | University of Michigan | September 1993 | Bradford, Wesley J
| Developing a Mathematically Informed Approach to Musical Narrative through the Analysis of Three Twentieth-Century Monophonic Woodwind Works | Louisiana State University | June 2016 | Bradley, Catherine A.
| The Earliest Motets: Musical Borrowing and Re-Use | University of Cambridge | March 2011 | Brasky, Jill Tovah
| 'Far Have I Flown': Chromatic Dominants and Functional Transformations in Schoenberg's Gurrelieder | University of Buffalo | May 2005 | Brass, Christophe
| La basse fondamentale dans le Clavier bien tempéré de J. S. Bach | Université Strasbourg II (= Université Marc Bloch) | September 2001 | Bribitzer-Stull, Matthew, P.
| Thematic Development and Dramatic Association in Wagner's Der Ring des Nibelungen | Eastman School of Music | July 2001 | Broesche, Garreth P
| The Intimacy of Distance: Glenn Gould and the Poetics of the Recording Studio | University of Wisconsin-Madison | March 2015 | Brover-Lubovsky, Bella
| Vivaldi's Harmony: Practice and Theory | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel | October 2000 | Brown, Jenine L.
| Cognitive Models of Interval Perception in Twelve-Tone Music: Hearing Webern\'s Concerto, Op. 24, and Other Works | University of Rochester-Eastman School of Music | April 2014 | Brown, Stephen C.
| Dual Interval Space in Twentieth-Century Music | Yale University | May 1999 | Bruno, Luca
| Theory and Analysis of Harmony in Adrian Willaert's Canzone villanesche alla napolitana (1542-1545) | University of Trento, Italy | January 2009 | Bryden, Kristy A.
| Musical Conclusions: Exploring Closural Processes in Five Late Twentieth-Century Chamber Works | University of Wisconsin-Madison | May 2001 | Buchler, Michael H.
| Relative Saturation of Subsets and Interval Cycles as a Means for Determining Set-Class Similarity | Eastman School of Music | October 1997 | Buehrer, Theodore E.
| An Alternative Pedagogical Paradigm for Aural Skills: An Examination of Constructivist Learning Theory and its Potential for Implementation into Aural Skills Curricula | Indiana University | December 1998 | Buhler, James
| Informal Music Analysis: A Critique of Formalism, Semiology, and Narratology As Discourses on Music | University of Pennsylvania | May 1996 | Burkett, Lyn Ellen Thornblad
| Tensile Involvement: Counterpoint and Compositional Pedagogy in the Work of Seeger, Hindemith, and Krenek | Indiana University | April 2001 | Burns, Alexandra
| The Musical Voices of the “Double-Manâ€: Nature and Religious Identity in Gustav Mahler’s First Symphony | The University of Sheffield | May 2016 | Burns, Alexandra
| \'Sterben werd\' ich, um zu leben!\': The Eschatological Questions in Gustav Mahler\'s Second Symphony | The University of Sheffield | September 2017 | Burns, Kristine H.
| The History and Development of Algorithms in Music Composition, 1957-93 | Ball State University | April 1994 | Burton, Deborah, E.
| An Analysis of Puccini's Tosca: a heuristic approach to the unifying elements of the opera | University of Michigan | May 1995 | Butterfield, Matthew W.
| Jazz Analysis and the Production of Musical Community: A Situational Perspective | University of Pennsylvania | May 2000 | Byrne, David A.
| The Harmonic Theories of Sigfrid Karg-Elert: Acoustics, Function, Transformation, Perception | University of Cincinnati | March 2018 | Byron, Avior
| Schoenberg as Performer: An Aesthetics in Practice | Royal Holloway, University of London | June 2007 | Cahn, Steven J.
| Variations in Manifold Time: Historical Consciousness in the Music and Writings of Arnold Schoenberg | SUNY at Stony Brook | August 1996 | Cairns, Zachary A.
| Multiple-Row Serialism in Three Works by Edison Denisov | University of Rochester (Eastman School of Music) | April 2010 | Campbell, Edward
| Boulez and Expression: A Deleuzoguattarian Approach | University of Edinburgh | June 2000 | Capuzzo, Guy
| Variety Within Unity: Expressive Ends and their Technical Means in the Music of Elliott Carter, 1983-1994 | Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester | December 1999 | Carey, Norman, A
| Distribution Modulo 1 and Musical Scales | University of Rochester | February 1998 | Carter, Chandler
| The Progress in "The Rake's" Return | The City University of New York | January 1995 | Carter-Enyi, Aaron
| Contour Levels: An Abstraction of Pitch Space Based on African Tone Systems | Ohio State University | April 2016 | Castine, Peter
| Set Theory Objects: Abstractions for Computer-Aided Analysis and Composition of Serial and Atonal Music | Technische Universitaet Berlin | January 1994 | Castren, Marcus
| RECREL: A Similarity Measure for Set-Classes | Sibelius Academy | December 1994 | Cathey, Sheila C.
| Profiles, Perceptions, and Practices Related to Customizable Computer-Aided Instruction (MacGAMUT) Among Postsecondary Aural-Training Instructors | Boston University | May 2014 | Cavanagh, Lynn, M.
| Tonal Multiplicity in Schoenberg's First String Quartet, Op. 7 | The University of British Columbia | June 1996 | Chang, Sangtae
| Boulez's Sonatine and the Genesis of his Twelve-tone Practice | The University of North Texas | March 1998 | Chenette, Timothy K
| Counterpoint, Transformations, and Musical Spaces in the Late Sixteenth Century | Indiana University | May 2013 | Chong, Eddy K. M.
| Extending Schenker’s Neue musikalische Theorien und Phantasien: Towards a Schenkerian | University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music | May 2002 | Chor, Ives
| Cognitive Frameworks for the Production of Musical Rhythm | Northwestern University | June 2010 | Chung, Andrew J
| Music as Performative Utterance: Towards a Unified Theory of Musical Meaning with Applications in 21st-Century Works and Social Life | Yale University | March 2019 | Chung, Heewon
| Semitonal Relationships in Chopin\'s Music | University of Michigan | April 2015 | Clement, Brett
| A Study of the Instrumental Music of Frank Zappa | University of Cincinnati | July 2009 | Clevenger, John R.
| The Origins of Debussy's Style | University of Rochester | March 1993 | Cobb, Nathan A
| Synthesis at the Frontiers: Kaija Saariaho and the Formation of a Practice | University of California, Santa Barbara | September 2024 | Coenen, Alcedo, E.
| Meta-Plus: Stockhausen's Plus-Minus computerized and analyzed | University of Amsterdam | November 1995 | Cohen, Gilad
| Expansive Rock: Large-Scale Structure in the Music of Pink Floyd | Princeton University | June 2015 | Collaros, Pandel, L.
| Quanti-MAS: A Quantitative System of Melodic Analysis | Ohio State University | December 1996 | Cornicello, Anthony M.
| Timbral Organization in Tristan Murail's "Désintégrations" and "Rituals" | Brandeis University | May 2000 | Cotner, John S.
| Archetypes of Progressive Rock, ca. 1966-1973 | University of Wisconsin-Madison | December 1999 | Cox, Arnie W.
| The Metaphoric Logic of Musical Motion and Space | University of Oregon | June 1999 | Cramer, Alfred W.
| Music for the Future: Sounds of Early Twentieth-Century Psychology and Language in Works of Schoenberg, Webern, and Berg, 1908 to the First World War | University of Pennsylvania | April 1997 | Crownfield, Elizabeth E.
| The Intellectual Backgrounds of Morley's Plaine and Easie Introduction | New York University | January 2000 | Cuciurean, John D.
| A Theory of Pitch, Rhythm, and Intertextual Allusion for the Late Music of György Ligeti | State University of New York at Buffalo | August 2000 | Cutler, Timothy S.
| Orchestration and the Analysis of Tonal Music: Interaction between Orchestration and Other Musical Parameters in Selected Symphonic Compositions, c. 1785-1835 | Yale University | March 2000 | Cvetkov, Vasil A.
| Louisiana State University | December 2010 | Daly, Timothy P.
| From Counterpoint to Composition in the Early L’homme armé Mass | The University of Melbourne | September 2020 | Danby, Judd
| Array and Superarray Structure and Projection in Milton Babbitt's recent Orchestral Music | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | November 1997 | Davis, Colin
| Polyphonic Harmony in Three of Ferruccio Busoni\'s Orchestral Elegies | University of North Texas | May 2015 | Day-O\'Connell, Jeremy
| Pentatonicism in Nineteenth-Century Music | Cornell University | August 2002 | de Clercq, Trevor O.
| Sections and Successions in Successful Songs: A Prototype Approach to Form in Rock Music | Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester | January 2012 | Decker, Bradley D
| Preserving the Fragment: Techniques and Traits of Franco Donatoni's Joyous Period (1977 to 2000) | University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign | January 2006 | Decker, Gregory J.
| The Language of Baroque Opera: Topic, Structure, and Characterization in Handel's Italian-Language Operas | Florida State University | April 2011 | Deguchi, Tomoko
| Forms of Temporal Experience in the Music of Toru Takemitsu | University at Buffalo, SUNY | November 2005 | Dellosa, Lerie Grace
| Messiaen\'s Musical Language: Technique and Theological Symbolism in Les Corps glorieux, \"Combat de la mort et de la vie\" | University of North Texas | October 2015 | DeMotta, David J
| The Contributions of Earl \"Bud\" Powell to the Modern Jazz Style | Graduate Center, City University of New York | May 2015 | Demske, Thomas R.
| Recognizing Melodic Motion in Musical Scores: Rules and Contexts | Yale University | March 1993 | Derfler, Brandon
| Single-Voice Transformations: A Model for Parsimonious Voice Leading | University of Washington | November 2007 | Derkert, Jacob
| Tonalitet och harmonisk artikulation i Claude Debussys verk. Om reception, armonikteori och analys | University of Stockholm | October 1998 | DeThorne, Jeffrey D.
| University of Wisconsin-Madison | August 2010 | DeVlieger, Dana L
| Promoting Creativity: How the Use of Music Analysis Affects Value Judgments in Copyright Litigation | University of Minnesota | June 2020 | Djordjevic, Michael, L.
| Discrete Tone Relations Determined by the Hearing Phenomenon within Five-Dimensional Sound-Musical Continuum | Radio Belgrade, Hilandarska 2, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, YU | June 1995 | Dobbs, Benjamin M.
| A Seventeenth-century Musiklehrbuch in Context: Heinrich Baryphonus and Heinrich Grimm’s Pleiades Musicae | University of North Texas | August 2015 | Dodds, Michael R.
| The Baroque Church Tones in Theory and Practice | University of Rochester | January 1999 | Doerksen, John F.
| A Theory of Set-class Salience for Post-tonal Music, with Analyses of Selected Lieder by Anton Webern | University of Western Ontario | June 1994 | Dogantan, Mine
| Mathis Lussy's Theory of Rhythm as a Basis for a Theory of Expressive Performance | Columbia University, New York | May 1997 | Dolenko, Elena
| Schoenberg. The Early Years. [Molodoy Schoenberg] | Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory | May 2003 | Doll, Christopher
| Listening to Rock Harmony | Columbia University | May 2007 | Donaldson, James
| Topics, Form, and Expression in the Music of György Ligeti and Thomas Adès | McGill University | May 2021 | Douw, Andre, M.
| The Construction of Order and Direction in Igor Stravinsky's In Memoriam Dylan Thomas, Canticum Sacrum, and Threni | Utrecht University | March 1995 | Drozzina, Aleksandra
| Schnittke, Gubaidulina, and Pärt: Religion and Spirituality during the Late Thaw and Early Perestroika | Louisiana State University | May 2020 | Dudeque, Norton E.
| Music Theory and Analysis in the Writings of Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) | University of Reading | April 2002 | Dudeque, Norton E.
| Tonal Harmony and the Concept of Monotonality in the Writings of Arnold Schoenberg | Universidade de Sao Paulo | June 1997 | Duncan, Stuart P
| The Concept of New Complexity: Notation, Interpretation and Analysis | Cornell University | May 2010 | Edith, Zack
| Carmen and Turandot: femme fatale to femme creatrice in opera | Bar-Ilan University, Israel | June 2000 | Endrinal, Christopher James Scott
| Form and Style in the Music of U2 | Florida State University | April 2008 | Eng, Clare Sher Ling
| Motif and Closure in Twentieth-Century Music: Bartók, Britten and Fauré | Yale University | March 2012 | Ensign, Jeffrey S.
| Form in Popular Song, 1990-2009 | University of North Texas | August 2015 | Essl, Karlheinz
| Das Synthese-Denken bei Anton Webern. Studien zur Musikauffassung des spaeten Webern unter besonderen Beruecksichtigung seiner eigenen Analysen zu op. 28 und op. 30. ("Anton Webern's idea of synthesis". Studies on the musical thinking of the late Webern c | University of Vienna | May 1989 | Evan Ware
| Their Ways: Theorizing Reinterpretation in Popular Music | University of Michigan | May 2015 | Evans, James E.
| Fluid Dynamics: Representations of Water in Music | University of Kentucky | February 2021 | Falch, Niels
| From Oy to Joy: Jewish Musical Style in American Popular Songs, 1892-1945 | University of Groningen | May 2020 | Fancher, Joseph E.
| Pitch Organization in the Turangalîla-Symphonie of Olivier Messiaen | University of Oregon | March 2003 | Fankhauser, Gabe
| Cadential Intervention and Tonal Expansion in Select Works of Shostakovich
| Florida State University | December 1999 | Ferguson, Brent A
| Intertextuality in Movie Music Videos | University of Kansas | June 2020 | Ferrandino, Matthew
| A Narratology of Music Video | University of Kansas | March 2021 | Fielding, Peter G
| The Traditional Vocal Repertoire of Nova Scotia: A Classification of Pitch Space
| University of Massachusetts Amherst | February 2014 | Fiore, Carlo
| I mottetti di Josquin Desprez: interpretazione attraverso l'analisi | University of Bologna, Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo | April 1998 | Fishbein, Joshua H.
| Leonard Bernstein\'s Chichester Psalms: An Analysis and Companion Piece | University of California, Los Angeles | December 2014 | Fitzpatrick, Jacob D
| Stravinsky, Balanchine, and Agon: An Intersection of Musical Movement and Dance | University of Wisconsin-Madison | April 2020 | Flinn, John W.
| Reconstructive Postmodernism, Quotation, and Musical Analysis: A Methodology with Reference to the Third Movement of Luciano Berio | University of Cincinnati | May 2011 | Foley, Gretchen
| Pitch and Interval Structures in George Perle's Theory of Twelve-Tone Tonality | University of Western Ontario | January 1999 | Folio, Cynthia J.
| An Analysis and Comparison of Four Compositions by Joseph Schwantner: And the Mountains Rising Nowhere; Wild Angels of the Open Hills; Aftertones of Infinity; and Sparrows | Eastman School of Music | May 1985 | Follet, Diane W.
| Echo - A Chamber Opera in One Act: The Woman's Voice in the Twentieth Century | University of Northern Colorado | August 2000 | Forrest, David L.
| Prolongation in the Choral Music of Benjamin Britten | Texas Tech University | May 2009 | Foulkes-Levy, Laurdella
| A Synthesis of Recent Theories of Tonal Melody, Contour, and the Diatonic Scale: Implications for Aural Perception and Cognition | SUNY Buffalo | September 1996 | Francis, Timothy P
| Modal Prolongational Structure in Selected Sacred Choral Compositions by Gustav Holst and Ralph Vaughan Williams | University of Oregon | June 2012 | Freer, Nicholas
| Allan Holdsworth: Principles of Harmonic Organisation in Selected Compositions
| University of Melbourne | July 2022 | Fung, Eric W.M.
| The Performance of Chopin's First Movement of Piano Sonata in B Minor, op. 58: A Schenkerian Approach | The Chinese University of Hong Kong | June 1995 | Fyr, Kyle R.
| Proportion, Temporality, and Performance Issues in Piano Works of John Adams | Indiana University | July 2011 | Gadd, Robin N.
| Theorizing Musical Style | University of Southampton | July 1997 | Garrison, Rodney
| Schenker's Ausfaltung Unfolded: Notation, Terminology, and Practice | University at Buffalo | December 2011 | Geary, David
| Analyzing Drums and Other Beats in Twenty-First Century Popular Music | Indiana University | December 2019 | Gerg, Ian W
| The Virtual Observing Agent in Music: A Theory of Agential Perspective as Implied by Indexical Gesture | University of Texas at Austin | August 2015 | Gerlach, Oliver
| Im Labyrinth des Oktōīchos —
Über die Rekonstruktion einer mittelalterlichen Improvisationspraxis in der Musik der Ost- & Westkirche | Humboldt University | July 2006 | Gersh, Jason A
| Text-Setting in William Byrd's Liber primus sacrarum cantionum quinque vocum (1589): Toward an Analytic Methodology | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | December 2006 | Geyer, Benjamin M.
| Meter, Phrase, and Form in the Compositions of Maria Schneider | University of Kentucky | April 2016 | Giovinazzo, Joseph
| Timbral Design of Primary Melody in the First Movement of Bartok's Concerto for Orchestra | La Trobe University | June 1992 | Gleason, Scott M.
| Princeton Theory\'s Problematics | Columbia University | October 2013 | Gloag, Kenneth
| Structure, Syntax and Style in the Music of Stravinsky | University of Exeter | February 1995 | Goldenberg, Yosef
| Prolongation of Seventh Chords in Tonal Music | Hebrew University, Jerusalem | December 2001 | Gollin, Edward H.
| Representations of Space and Conceptions of Distance in Transformational Music Theories | Harvard University | June 2000 | Gonzales, Cynthia I.
| Text-Music Relationships in the Early Songs of Arnold Schoenberg | Harvard University | October 2005 | Gonzales-Lizausaba, Oswaldo
| A Formalized Analysis of Luciano Berio's Erdenklavier for Piano Solo: An Undulatory Approach | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, IRCAM, CNRS (Paris) | June 1997 | Gonzalez-Lizausaba Oswaldo
| L'analyse ondulatoire : une approche morphologique de l'analyse musicale | Doctor in Arts & Sciences of art - Université de Paris 1 | March 2010 | Gosman, Alan R.
| Compositional Approaches to Canons from Ockeghem to Brahms | Harvard University | August 2000 | Grall, Jeremy N.
| An Analytical Edition of Giovanni Kapsberger's "Partite sulla folia" for Chitarrone: Ornamentation, Performance Practices, and Compositional Structures in Kapsberger's Folia Variations | University of Memphis | April 2009 | Grant, Aaron B.
| Schubert\'s Three-Key Expositions | Eastman School of Music | June 2018 | Greitzer, Mary L
| Tormented Voices | Harvard University | August 2007 | Grossman, E. Lary
| Fugal Procedures in the Symphonies of Joseph Haydn | Northwestern University | December 1993 | Grove, Paul R.
| Doctrine of the Canon: An Annotated Translation of the Second Counterpoint Book of Sergei Ivanovich Taneev | University of Arizona | January 1996 | Guerra, Stephen P.
| Expanded Meter and Hemiola in Baden Powell\'s Samba-Jazz | Yale University | April 2018 | Guez, Jonathan
| Schubert's Recapitulation Scripts | Yale University | March 2015 | Guigue, Didier
| Une Étude "pour les Sonorités Opposées": Pour une analyse "orientée objets" de l'oeuvre pour piano de Debussy et de la musique du 20è siècle | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris | April 1996 | Hafner, Everett
| Time Divided | University of Massachusetts at Amherst | August 1995 | Hamm, Chelsey L
| Charles Ives and Democracy: Association, Borrowing, and Treatment of Dissonance in His Music | Indiana University | December 2016 | Hannaford, Marc E
| One Line, Many Views: Perspectives on Music Theory, Composition, and Improvisation through the Work of Muhal Richard Abrams | Columbia University | June 2019 | Hannon, Andrew C
| From Mode to Key. An Investigation of European Modal/Tonal Theories in the Seventeenth Century [in Danish] | University of Aarhus (Denmark) | June 1996 | Hare, Belva Jean
| The Uses and Aesthetics of Musical Borrowing in Erik Satie’s Humoristic Piano Suites, 1913-1917 | University of Texas at Austin | December 2005 | Harley, Konrad
| Harmonic Function in the Music of Sergei Prokofiev | University of Toronto | April 2014 | Harley, Maria, A.
| Space and spatialization in contemporary music: History and analysis, ideas and implementations | McGill University | June 1994 | Harper, Steven A.
| Minimal Interval Content Descriptions | University of Texas at Austin | May 1994 | Härpfer, Bernd
| The Metric Malleability and Ambiguity of Cyclic Rhythms | University of Music, Karlsruhe, Germany | September 2020 | Harris, Joseph H.
| Harmony in Olivier Messiaen's Eclairs sur l'Au-Dela | University of Iowa | September 2000 | Hastings, Charise Y.
| The Performer's Role: Storytelling in Ballades of Chopin and Brahms | University of Michigan--Ann Arbor | April 2006 | Hauck-Silva, Caiti
| Diction, Expressivity and Conductor’s Choices in Choral Works Sung in German: Discussing Relationships Between Writings and Recordings | University of São Paulo | March 2017 | Heap, Matthew
| Keep Going: Narrative Continuity in Luciano Berio\'s Sinfonia AND Dillinger: An American Oratorio | University of Pittsburgh | April 2012 | Heinzelmann, Sigrun B
| Sonata Form in Ravel's Pre-War Chamber Music | CUNY Graduate Center | February 2008 | Helmcke, William M.
| Structure and Meaning in Fryderyk Chopin's Polonaises | University of Massachusetts Amherst | April 2022 | Herlin, Thomas R.
| Carl Ruggles and the Viennese Tradition: A Comparative Analysis | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | April 2000 | Hibberd, Kristian P. G.
| Shostakovich and Bakhtin: A Critical Investigation of the Late Works (1974-1975) | Goldsmiths College, University of London | June 2005 | Hill, David S.
| The Persistence of Memory: Mode, Trope, and Difference in the Passion Chorale | SUNY at Stony Brook | April 1994 | Hoag, Melissa E.
| Multiply-Directed Moments in the Music of Brahms | Indiana University | May 2008 | Hoch, Matthew
| "The Structural and Dramatic Role of the Piano in Richard Strauss's Krämerspiegel, Op. 66" | New England Conservatory | December 2006 | Hodson, Robert D.
| Interaction and Improvisation: Group Interplay in Jazz Performance | University of Wisconsin--Madison | August 2000 | Hoffman, Stanley M.
| Extended Tonality and Voice Leading in Twelve Songs, Op. 27 by Alexander Zemlinsky | Brandeis University | February 1993 | Hoffmann, Peter
| Music Out of Nothing? The Dynamic Stochastic Synthesis: a Rigorous Approach to Algorithmic Composition by Iannis Xenakis | Technische Universitaet Berlin | January 1998 | Hoffmann, Peter
| Music Out of Nothing? A Rigorous Approach to Algorithmic Composition by Iannis Xenakis | Technische Universit | December 2009 | Hook, Julian L.
| Uniform Triadic Transformations | Indiana University | May 2002 | Hooper, Jason A.
| Heinrich Schenker’s Early Approach to Form, 1895–1921: Implications for His Late Work and Its Reception
| CUNY Graduate Center | February 2017 | Hosken, Fred
| The Pocket: A Theory of Beats as Domains | Northwestern University | August 2021 | Hudlow, Adam M.
| HARMONY, VOICE LEADING, AND DRAMA IN THREE SONDHEIM MUSICALS | Louisiana State University | December 2013 | Hudson, Stephen S.
| Feeling Beats and Experiencing Motion: A Construction-Based Theory of Meter | Northwestern University | May 2019 | Hughes, Bryn
| Harmonic Expectation in Twelve-Bar Blues Progressions | Florida State University | August 2011 | Huguet, Joan C
| Formal Functions and Voice-Leading Structures in Beethoven’s Early Sonata-Rondo Finales
| Eastman School of Music | April 2015 | Hunt, Graham G.
| \"Ever New Formal Structures\": The Evolution of the Dialogue-Scene in Wagner\'s Lohengrin | Duke University | May 2001 | Hussey, William Gregory
| Compositional Modeling and Quotation in the Works of Johannes Brahms: An Application of Harold Bloom's Theory of Influence to Music | University of Texas at Austin | December 1996 | Igoudin, Lane
| Impact of MIDI on Electroacoustic Art Music | Stanford University | June 1997 | Iker, Sarah M.
| An Experience-Oriented Approach to Analyzing Stravinsky\'s Neoclassicism | University of Chicago | August 2017 | Ilomäki, Tuukka
| On the Similarity of Twelve-Tone Rows | Sibelius Academy | April 2008 | Isaacson (Gozali) Atara
| Cantabile in the Romantic Piano Concerti with Emphasis on Schumann, Liszt and Brahms | Bar Ilan University | November 2006 | Iverson, Jennifer
| Historical Memory and György Ligeti's Sound-Mass Music, 1958-1968 | University of Texas at Austin | May 2009 | Jacobus, Enoch S. A.
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| Between Concept and Perception: Cognition, Experience, and Form in Spectral Music | Washington University in St. Louis | May 2019 | James, Emma R.
| Telling Tales: Narrative Semiotics in the Music of Béla Bartók | Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester | August 2016 | Jardim, Antonio
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